
Home automation installation as a career

“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.” - Aristotle. Let’s face it, a conventional desk job is not exciting. Working 9 to 5 in front of a computer is what I always wanted to avoid. I was in a quest for a profession which will be challenging as well as satisfying. My first attempt was to become a freelance programmer (as I had previous training). I thought I would work 3 days a week and travel on other days. a friend of mine was already doing this, and he was very successful. At first, I was patient. I quickly learnt how to remain calm whenever server crashes or a critical website gets infected with malware. 2 years passed, the pressure of maintaining IT systems from a faraway land was giving me nothing but stress. I suffered from sleep deprivation. Even when I was travelling, I would get messages about system errors. All I wanted was to quit my freelance programming career and find something new. Then I attended a seminar about automation technology. There I met a home a

These are what matters in a smart home system

Introduction In an integrated smart home, IoT devices are distributed and connected with each other within a network in a way so that they can easily be controlled from a remote device or control panel. Different devices of the home such as TV, lighting, access control and heating systems frequently communicate with each other. They create a shared datasheet from which the home automation system feeds into and takes control of the smart home. With a home automation system, you will have full control over your home and it will assist you to efficiently manage your time as you have control over various technologies using a single remote or app. An Efficient Entertainment System You can have your DVD, stereo, TV, as well as streaming services running together using one network. You can have perfect reception in all rooms with one easy flick of the button. With one control, you can get a central music player which can play any music within the home and the music quality won't